Monday, January 15, 2007

What It Took to Make My First Weight Loss Goal

10 months
3 infections
3 rounds of antibiotics
1 diagnosis of HBP plus meds for this (which I am happy to say is down again)
Laying off the soda, coffee, mochas, and anything one can buy at Starbucks (goodbye mocha fraps I loved you long time)
Laying off cheeseburgers, french fries, chocolate icecream, chocolate cake, chocolate pie, and candy (damn their yumminess)
Eating chicken salads everyday for lunch (at least as of the last 5 days and I have to say pretty yummy)
Eating cheerios everyday for breakfast (unless I am eating oatmeal that day, and convincing myself of the yumminess every damn morning)
Finally listening to my dad's advice about flaxseed and oatmeal (but knowing I am not quite ready to hear about figs and Caesar salads-vurping just writing this)
Charting my weight on the WW (unless it was a week I gained, then no charting for me)
Eating more fruit (te amo berries, no te quiero coconut)
Eating more vegetables (te amo corn and peas, no te quiero brussel sprouts)
Walking (especially entertaining having the used condom count as a part of my walk so far up to 3)
YBB (Yoga Booty Ballet-my method of trying to become graceful-no grace yet, but I haven't fallen, but let's face it, I do desperately clutch a chair and pray)
Did I mention no more sodas? I really miss them (especially the cherry vanilla ones, or just cherry, or any soda)
Eating more dark chocolate (hell yeah-it's good for you-and only an ounce at a time)

And did I mention I have even lost more weight than the WW first goal!!!!! Yeah for me! Now on to the next goal. How about wellness for a while? I might have set the bar too high with that goal.

1 comment:

Fabs said...
