Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Let the Turkey Extravaganza Begin...

In about 2 hours my holiday will begin with the annual dinner with my mom and grandma. So far the phone calls leading up to it have involved shame, guilt, mania, anger, and a grocery list for me to complete. Oh, wait I forgot the tears and the reference to my grandma and the family dog not living to see another Thanksgiving. Sigh. Tomorrow morning my father and I will make the annual trek to the coast to spend the weekend with his side of the family. At the end of it all I am thankful to have a loving family and another chance to make memories. Enjoy the weekend!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Life without MaGee

I came into work this morning to find out MaGee had resigned on Friday afternoon. Well, okay to be honest I knew Friday night because Stanley told me, but I was feeling sick with an ear infection and it did not register. Today was the first day in 15 months I walked into my office and did not worry about being overwhelmed with her life. It was quiet and weird because I thought people would ask about her and no one did (at least not to me). The next few weeks will be hard trying to carry her workload until someone new is hired. In a weird sense of foreshadowing I spoke to a co-worker on Tuesday and said my life at work would be drastically less stressful if she were gone. Now I guess it's time to see what life is like without her. This decision could not have been an easy one to make, so as I sign off tonight I offer her blessings and good fortune. I hope she finds what she is looking for. And I hope I don't look back on the year of MaGee and see it as my easiest (Stanley please hire someone qualified and easy to get along with).

Monday, November 10, 2008

If you judge people you have no time to love them. ~Mother Teresa

I live in a state that on election night voted to pass a constitutional amendment saying that marriage is only between a man and a woman. It was amazing to me that I could be so happy and sad on one night. I was thrilled to see Obama become our president elect. In the same moment watching the polling results come across for Prop 8 I felt heart sick and ashamed of my state. It has been about 2 weeks since election night and I still feel confused and dismayed at the behavior of the majority. I do not understand why it was so easy for people to happily discriminate against another. No one I know would dream of putting something on their lawn that was against marriage between Blacks and Whites, or Jews and Christians, but many people I know were proud to put Yes on 8 signs in their yards. The other thing that boggled my mind was the number of minority groups that were Yes on 8. In my Pollyanna world I see people who have experienced discrimination fighting the hardest to make sure it doesn't happen to someone else. But then I remember that people have a need to feel better about themselves that usually comes by bringing someone down.

I am not going to argue religion or faith when it comes to this topic. I fully understand that the majority of churches would not marry a gay or lesbian couple. That is an argument between you and your God. You don't believe the marriage rights of gay and lesbian people? The answer is easy. Don't marry someone of your same gender. But you should not have the right to impose your belief on someone else. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice anywhere." I choose not to be a part of this injustice. I want to be able to look at my friends and my family and know I stood on the side of justice.