Monday, November 24, 2008

Life without MaGee

I came into work this morning to find out MaGee had resigned on Friday afternoon. Well, okay to be honest I knew Friday night because Stanley told me, but I was feeling sick with an ear infection and it did not register. Today was the first day in 15 months I walked into my office and did not worry about being overwhelmed with her life. It was quiet and weird because I thought people would ask about her and no one did (at least not to me). The next few weeks will be hard trying to carry her workload until someone new is hired. In a weird sense of foreshadowing I spoke to a co-worker on Tuesday and said my life at work would be drastically less stressful if she were gone. Now I guess it's time to see what life is like without her. This decision could not have been an easy one to make, so as I sign off tonight I offer her blessings and good fortune. I hope she finds what she is looking for. And I hope I don't look back on the year of MaGee and see it as my easiest (Stanley please hire someone qualified and easy to get along with).

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